What's New?

Because of the amount of material on this site, this page is used to log major additions and changes so that members can easily find new material as it is added. They are listed here latest addition first.

21st February 2020 Further memories added to Recently Departed, House research link added to Takeley Genealogy and and update to the G.T.Verney mystery in Loose Ends.

13th February 2019 Remembrance Day Parade War Memorial Addresses updated to include the 2019 address. AGM Minutes and Annual Parish Assembly Minutes updated in Reports .

9th February 2019 Genevieve page created and a link to it form the Bits and Bobspage

21st January 2019 Additions to the Recently Departed page

8th June 2018 The history of Guvers by Ros Boon and the Takeley Pump book made available by Heather Piper, downloads added to the Bits and Bobs page. Pat Salmon obituary added to Obituaries page,

4th January 2018 On the Road, a book by local autor Peter J Mills added to Bits n Bobs

16th November 2017 Remembrance Day Parade War Memorial Addresses updated to include the 2017 address.

6th January 2017 Takeley Pantomimes and Takeley Drama Group link added to Loose Ends page. Download two draft booklets here and help us identify the actors in the photographs.

4th January 2017 Several links have been sent to me by Elena McDermott from ForeverCurious.  They are a group of librarians and educators who are curating and creating the best educational resources for kids on the web . The links have been added near the foot of the Genealogy page

18th November 2016 Remembrance Day Parade War Memorial Addresses updated to include the 2016 address.

12th November 2016John Monk's Bush End Church and Hatfield Forest presentation made available from link on the Events page. Photogrpahs fond by Christine Lodder added to Loose Ends page . Presentation made by John Monk as part of the celebrations following the refurbishment of the Silver Jubilee Hall in October 2016 added to the Bits and Bobs page

14th April 2016 An article by Don Dean. about his career in vehicle testing added to Bits and Bobs

20th February 2016 Link to History House added to Links page. Update Directories page to include Takeley Voters 1847 and Whites Directory 1863

22nd November 2015 1950 Takeley School photo added to Loose Ends

6th September 2015 Takeley Contables list added to Bits and Bobs

23rd August 2015 Summary of the 1952 Takeley Scouts Camp on Northey Island has beeen produced by Norman Young and is available for downloadon the Bits and Bobs page or a printed version bought as described on our Booklets for Sale page

26th February 2015 Short note on Archaelogical activity in Takeley area.

13th November 2014 Remembrance Speech 2014 added to Remembrance Day Parades page

28th October 2014 Bingham family history added to Takeley Genealogy page.

15th September 2014 Details of William Welch, associate of the Elsenham Gang received from Greg McGrath and added to Elsenham Gang page.

30th August 2014 Great Eastern Railway, Roll of Honour for Takeley Station added to Bits n Bobs.

9th July 2014 The Rogers Family in Takeley history from David Godfrey added to genealogy page. Waltham Hall and Warish Hall notes added to John and Nia Watkiss notes page

29th June 2014 Audrey Harvey Memories added to Bits n Bobs.

3rd June 2014 Update to the Vera Churchill wild flower challenge in This year David Venable has photogrpahed 77 wild flowers in bloom in Takeley over a single weekend.
Part 1 and Part 2 .

25th March 2014 Link to Elsenham Village History Website added to Links page. Additional memorials added to Recently Departed page.

6th March 2014 Takeley Station Returns Slip added to Bits n Bobs. Recently Departed page created.

5th January 2014 Remembrance Day Parade created to archive speaches made at the parades.

5th July 2013 Formation of Takeley Scouts information added to Bits n Bobs Page

4th July 2013 Oliff Family History Link added to the Takeley Genealogy page

24th June 2013 Lots added to the John and Nia Watkiss Notes page including Takeley through the ages section,

24th March 2013 Vera Churchill Challenge added to Bits and Bobs

13th March 2013 Obituaries page indexed from main navigation list. Be Galloway added to Obituaries

7th February 2013 Margaret Underwood page added and update to the Obituaries page

6th December 2012 Links page updated to remove dead links and add new one to geograph. Maps page updated to add link to the Norman B. Leventhal Map Centre at the Boston Public Library. Bits n Bobs updated to add link to the Essex Records Office article on the medieval deeds of Colchester Hall. Also link to the Listed Buildings website.

1st March 2012 Wartime Phone Directory added to Bits N Bobs

18th February 2012 Takeley Park Building Estate added to Bits n Bobs and Takeley Maps

22nd December 2011 Death Dates from Manorial Records and Wills Pre 1663 added to John and Nia Watkiss Research Notes, Also Watkiss Research Notes link added to left side of site to reflect this major source of data.

21st August 2011 Ship Money article by Nia Watkiss added.List of TAkeley residents who paid the tax in 1635 with amounts paid.

21st August 2011 Pledgdon Barn information sheet added following guided visit to the barn

27th July 2011 Article about an old Takeley Fete poster added to Loose Ends

29th April 2011 Booklets for sale updated and Holy Trinity Church booklet made available.

11th November 2010 AGM 2010 Minutes added to Reports

4th March 2010 Link added to Cressing Temple Barns. I have added this link as this is one of the closest historical places to visit in the area. On the weekend of April 24th and 25th 2010 there will be a St George's Jousting and Medieval Banquet. See website for details.

13th December 2009 AGM Minutes added to Reports

12th December 2009 New photos of Takeley Telephone Explosion received from Essex Fire Museum

9th December 2009 Newsletter Archiving. All known Church and Village Newsletters are on the site back to March 1984.

30th November 2009 Skingle family history link updated on Takeley Genealogy page

15th November Newsletter Archiving - All Takeley News from Dec 1975 - Apr 1980 and Autumn 1998 to Present are viewable from the site. Church and Village newsletters from Sep 1984 to Feb 1992 Have been scanned and will be available shortly. Grapevines from Feb 1996 to Present will follow as time permits.

15th November 2009 - Not exctly new material as the site still looks the same but the entire site has now been rewritten to remove "frames" . Now individual pages can be linked to - a major improvement.

31st August 2009 Names from Quarter Sessions added to John and Nia Watkiss page

17th May 2009 Bits n Bobs and TLHS Reports added

18th january 2009 Note added to A Brief History of Takeley page noting that there is an excellent booklet "Essex Rock, A Look Beneath the Essex Landscape, by Gerald Lucy, which someone has made available on the web. Also a list of Takeley Names added in Nia and John Watkiss's notes section, and a reference to the Takeley Token added in Loose Ends

1st January 2009 Obituaries section added

24th November 2008 Research from Home page added. Roy Livermore photos of BBQ added.

23rd November 2008 Various Research Notes from John and Nia Watkiss page added.

12th November 2008 The Manor of Bassingbourne at Takeley, Essex, a booklet by John and Nia Watkiss. new page created and summary and link added from Projects page

9th November 2008 Results of Church Radar Scanning added to Loose Ends . Added update to Early Church Records and looking for the vault with Evidence of those in the vault

27 January 2008 Projects updated to reflect recent completed booklets for sale. More on Robert Fowler added

10th December 2006 Link to the Henham Local History website added to Links page

17th Nobember 2006 Projects page updated, Booklets for Sale page updated and pages added, Street Book, Characters and Events, Takeley Postcards. Brief History of Takeley updated

29th August 2006 Loose Ends page added

6th August 2006 Takeley Chapel Memorial Inscriptions added. Changes made to Memorial Inscriptions to branch off to both Church and Chapel inscriptions pages.

22nd June 2006 Links added on links page to Uttlesford Recorders Website and Essex Society For Family History

30th April 2006 Takeley Chapel Registers now available as Excel downloads. Takeley Chapel Records page and Takeley Chapel Downloads page added.

6th December 2005 Inscriptions from inside the church added to the Memorial Inscriptions database

27th November 2005. 2006 meeting dates added to Events page, Projects page updated (including new pages for recent publications) and Booklets For Sale page updated

25th October 2005 The Story of James Sach of Takeley added to Takeley Genealogy page. Congratulations to Fay Fraser from Queensland Australia for being our first oversees member to submit an article for the website!

13th October 2005 Memorial Inscriptions Database now complete.

4th October 2005 Holy Trinity Takeley Churchyard Guide updated on Memorial Inscriptions page.

12th September 2005 Memorial Inscriptions Database now contains ROWS, PATH, YEWS and WEST.

1st July 2005 PATH section added to Memorial Inscriptions Database. Churhyard guide updated.

27th June 2005 ROWS information added to Memorial Inscriptions Database

6th June 2005 Memorial Inscriptions page added with Holy Trinity Takeley Churchyard Guide.

24th May 2005 Events page updated and font size changed to make entire site more legible on low resolution displays.

21st March 2005 The entire site has been recoded. You may also notice a few cosmetic changes such as the new background.

31st January 2005 We have a new domain name -

30th December 2004 Crimes at Mill End page added and Projects Page updated

15th December 2004 Mumford Family Tree added to Takeley Genealogy page. Events Page updated with Feb 2005 event.

30th October 2004 Booklets for sale page and Project page updated to include Takeley Pubs booklet.

27th August 2004 Link to the Salmon family history website added to Takeley Genealogy page

15th July 2004 First batch of Wills added to Takeley Wills pages

6th July 2004 Booklets for sale page updated with new booklets. Events Page updated. Book of Remembrance service added to War Memorial page. Projects page updated

28 April 2004 Events Page updated with June event. Takeley Wills page added. Projects page updated to include the latest projects, In the Service of Their Country , Memorial Inscriptions and Reads of Takeley.

9 February 2004  Events Page updated with changed April meeting date and confirmed speaker.

28 December 2003 Events Page updated with 2004 dates, Booklets for sale page added, Takeley Archbishop page updated with evidence from The Times, Mole Hill Green History page added, Smith's Green in 1961 page added, Project page updated.

23 September 2003  The Takeley Archbishop added to Projects page

19 July 2003 Our ArtifactsPage updated to include the Sarcen Stone at its unveiling at the Four Ashes Crossroads. Projects Page updated to reflect the new  Charles Wright Rose Nurseries booklet .

05 July 2003 Events Page updated with extra meeting and October meeting moved by one week.

02 June 2003 Heard family website link on Takeley Genealogy page updated. Events Page updated. 

18 March 2003  Events Page updated with 2003 speakers

17 February 2003 Skingle family history website link added to Takeley Genealogy page

27 December 2002 Takeley Telephone Exchange Explosion   project added

27 December 2002 Links to Stop Stansted Expansion campaign and the Heritage Response to the Government's Airport Consultation Document.

07 December 2002 Heard family website link added to Takeley Genealogy page

16 October 2002  What's New Page added to the site. Events Page updated with 2003 dates.    

Copyright © Takeley Local History Society  