Takeley Genealogy

On this page we provide links to family history sites containing Takeley families. If you have a web site containing Takeley families please contact the webmaster with the URL of the site. If you have a story about one of your Takeley ancestors which we could use on this site we would also like to hear from you.

Bingham family

Rogers Family

Oliff Family History

The Story of James Sach of Takeley

Mumford Family Tree (pdf file) If anybody has any more information on the Mumford family could they e-mail .

Salmon family history website Sorry, this link has stopped working. If anyone can supply us with an up to date link we will gladly relpace it.

Hockley family history website

Grey and Greygoose family website   Sorry, this link has stopped working. If anyone can supply us with an up to date link we will gladly relpace it.

Heard family history website

Skingle Family History Website

Garrett family notes

Clarke Family (Further Elsenham Gang family history)

Anyone researching the genealogy of Takeley families may be interested in the Takeley Church Registers which have been transcribed and indexed and can be downloaded from the Takeley Holy Trinity Church website 

You may also wish to download and search the Takeley Chapel Records which we have transcribed and are available in Microsoft Excel format.

Takeley falls within the district of Uttlesford. Uttlesford District Council have a page dedicated to genealogy which may be of assitance to those tracing their family history Sorry, this link has stopped working. If anyone can supply us with an up to date link we will gladly relpace it.

The following links have been sent to me by Elena McDermott from ForeverCurious.  They are a group of librarians and educators who are curating and creating the best educational resources for kids on the web and have found this set of genealogical resources . 

Top 100 Genealogy Sites 
Resources for Military Families
How to Travel to Find Your Roots
Genealogy and the Law
A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Fanily Tree Online
Military Indexes

Marc McDermott from Genealogy Explained has kindly supplied this link to his site which explains many aspects of Genealogy.

Denise Goodwin has kindly contacted us and passed on the link below which will be very useful to anyone researching the history of a house.


Barbara Lincoln has been online teaching beginer's genealogy to 11 - 14 year olds during our 2020 COVID-19 lockdown. One of her pupils, Amelia, found this very useful resource and recommended it to us for anyone researching their ancesters who immigrated to USA via Ellis Island.




Copyright © Takeley Local History Society  