
Takeley is upic1nder threat of development as part of proposals to further expand Stansted Airport.  Stop Stansted Expansion is an organisation campaigning to oppose the Government's SERAS proposals for extra runways at Stansted. 


In particular be sure to look at the excellent photographs of our listed buildings under threat.


TLHS assisted in the preparation of the Heritage section of the Takeley Parish Council response to the Government's Airport Consultation document ( The Future Development of Transport in the United Kingdom).   

Takeley Parish Council    


Takeley Parish Council has its own history page

Little Canfield Parish Council

little canfield pc

Litle Canfield is a neighbouring parish.

Takeley Primary School 



Takeley Christian School This contains a Local History page of its own




Takeley Chapel History A history of TakeleyChapel



Takeley Holy Trinity Church As well as access to the Grapevine, the monthly church newsletter , this site gives access to Takeley  Baptism, Marriage and Funeral records in Microsoft Excel format.



Little Hallingbury Village History Society     Little Hallingbury is a neighbouring village to Takeley which has an excellent website covering all aspects of its local history.



Elsenham Village History Society     Elsenham shares a border with Takeley. This website is dedicated to Elsenham village history.


Henham Local History    Henham is another neighbouring village to Takeley which has an excellent website covering all aspects of local history in Henham, Little Henham and Pledgdon.



Broxted Local History

map broxted

Another community which borders Takeley is Broxted. The website contains many historical items of interest.


Great Canfield a few pages of Great Canfield local history

great canfield


Takeley Station . This site lists all the disused railway stations including Takeley

Takeley Cricket Club Established 1880

cricket club



Walking in Essex is a wonderful website aimed at promoting walking in our beautiful county. It has loads of information for walkers, maps photographs of items of interest etc. In particularthe Tilty walk takes you through Bambers Green.



Uttlesford Local History Recorders is a site set up specifically for recorders of local history in the Uttlesford area.


Essex Society for Family History is a website dedicated to those looking for the family history of Essex families



Takeley Pubs   This site lists Takeley Pubs and the publicans. Of these the Green Man, The Four Ashes (below), The Three Horseshoes and the Lion and Lamb are still pubs.



The Local History Directory

Local History Index


Takeley Football Club

Takeley FC

Cressing Temple Barns

cressing has some excellent recent pictures of Takeley buildings and scenery including the one below by Thomas Nugent. Our thanks to all who have contributed to this site.

village sign


History House This is a website dedicated to Essex history which currently has over 5000 pages

history house

The Hundred Parishes Society is an organisation which aims to increase awareness, enjoyment and care of the Hundred Parishes, a large, attractive, gently-undulating area of around 450 square miles of northwest Essex, northeast Hertfordshire and southern Cambridgeshire.

Hundred Parishes Woodcut



Associate Links


Copyright © Takeley Local History Society  