Various Research Notes from John and Nia Watkiss

John and Nia Watkiss have spent many years and a not inconsiderable amount of their own money travelling to record offices up and down the country tracking down every reference they can find to Takeley.

They have now very generously made their notes available to all with an interest in studying Takeley history. These are scholastic notes, not intended in this form as easy reading, but invaluable to all those with a genuine interest in Takeley history.

John and Nia ask only that when used towards a publication that mention is made of their research interest and that proper copyright permission is obtained from the sources of the information.   

Recusants in Takeley

Feet of Fines

Patent Rolls

Greygoose family

Sir William Greene

Death Dates from Manorial Records and Wills Pre 1663

Ship Money A tax to raise money for ships. List of TAkeley residents who paid the tax in 1635 with amounts paid.

Churchwardens Accounts 1 2 3 4 This is a copy of the Churchwardens Accounts book reporoduced here by permission of Rev Laurie Bond. (Split into 4 LARGE pdf files)

Burials in Takeley churchyard that are specifically mentioned in Takeley wills and list of burials beleived to be in the vault at Takeley Church.

Barrington and Takeley

Feudal Aids

Alehouse Recognicances 1769

Mullman Notes

Feet of Fines for Essex

Essex Society for Archaeology and History Volume 37

Names in history A list of old names that John and Nia have noted during their researches.

Names from New College Oxford Archives

Family names from Waltham Hall Survey

Names from Quarter Sessions

Takeley through the ages


The Age of Metal

What did the Romans do for us?

The Anglo Saxons

Normans and beyond

The Manor

Bassingbourne Hall and Colchester Hall

Waltham Hall

Warish Hall

Black Death to Bosworth




Research Notes from Christopher Phillpotts

Christopher Phillpotts of 17 Albert Street, Castlefields, Shrewsbury SY1 2HT has very kindly agreed that we may reproduce his Takeley Research Notes here. As with John and Nia's notes when used towards a publication please mention Chritopher's research interest and obtain proper copyright permission from the sources of the information.   

Takeley Research Notes


Copyright © Takeley Local History Society  