
Takeley Archaeology

Because of the high amount of development over recent years both in and around Takeley this area has been extensively explored by archaeologists. Development of Stansted Airport and its car parks, re-routing of the A120, laying of a major gas pipeline and massive housing development are just some of the triggers for this archaelogical interest.

We were very lucky to have Carolyn Wingfield from Saffron Walden Museum as a speaker at out February 2015 meeting. Carolyn described the way in whcih all finds from archealogical digs in Takeley eventually find their way to Saffron Walden Museum. Below is a link to a document which lists some of the recent digs. This shows the way they are given a reference number against which any finds are catalogued

Takeley Fieldwork list

Breif summaries of full reports are pub;ished in volumes of Essex archaeology and History and a few examples can be found below

essex archaeology and history page 118 vol 38 2007

essex archaeology and history page 194 vol 39 2008.

archaeology in essex page vol 35 2004.

The checkerplate patterns in the Google Earth image below are from digs in fields to the north of Smiths Green in December 2007



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