List of those buried in Takeley Church vault

Wills that specifically mention burial in the vault or the church. The dates given are those of the wills, not the probate

Francis Bernard of Basssingbourne Hall. Died in London, but brought back three months later to be buried in Takeley Church in the vault beneath the chansel. His coffin had solid silver mountings and armorial bearings.

James Caporn was Vicar of Takeley for three years. He died on 18th March 1839, and was buried on 27th March 1838, in the vault below the chancel.

Nicholas Clarke.  1549. To be buried in the Churche of Takeley aforesaid. He also makes a bequest to the tythes for the High Altar. This presupposes at least one other altar. There was almost certainly an important statue and probably an altar in the niche to the side of the now pulpit.

Thomas Gaynfforde. 1603.  …my Bodye to the earth to be buryed in the Chansell of the paryshe Church of Takeley near unto the place where my Father ys Interred.

Benjamin Gooneld.  1626. And my body to the earth to be decently buried according to the discretion of my Executors in the body of the Church of Takeley in the county of Essex as neere unto the grave where my once beloved wife Susanna Gooneld is buried as conveniently may bee if it please God I doe dye in the same towne.

Rev. E. Harbin.  1837. Buried “ at the foot of the gallery stairs in the church near to the font, Jan 31st 1837. This at present is the only Mem. Before the enlargement of the gallery—since then the font has been moved . Signed J.C. 19 Jan. 1839” [ this would be Caporn] This would be at the back of the church.

Thomas Wyberd.  1598.  Also my bodie to Christian burial in the Chauncell of Takeley aforesaid, so neere my sonne John his children as conveniently may be.

Other people who are almost certainly buried there but without any notices or records that we have been able to find so far.

William Towse.
Various Kendalls.
Archbishop of Dublin. Robert Fowler.
Margaret Antoinetta Parker.
Christopher Parker of St Mary le Bon.



Burials in Takeley churchyard that are specifically mentioned in Takeley wills. The dates given are those of the wills, not the probate. Most wills just specify decent Christian burial, or back to the earth from whence it came.

John Barnard.  1620

Thomas Basey.  1656.

William Brewer 1582.

Margaret Bruer.  1556.

Thomas Burlynge.  1605.

Margaret Bushe.  1622.

John Campion.  1639.

James Casse.  1612.

Thomas Clerke. 1567.

John Collman. 1556.

William Collyn.  1665.

Agnes Ewen.  1570. to be buried in Chawreth churchyard.

Peter Ewen.  1612.

Johanne Fude.  1639.

Walter Hutton.  1613.

John Laver.  1665.

William Mead.  1665.

Thomas Mott.  1530.

Sarah Mumford. 1798. ..a plain but decent funeral an a Chest a??Grave as I buries my late dear Husband and with a like tomb as soon as it can be after my decease with Convenience and Expences thereof…

William Parsly.  1643.

William Parsley.  1668.

John Pawflyn.  1580.

Henrye Payne.  No will date. Probate 1612.

Jeffrie Poole.  1657.

Joseph Raven.1821. I desire to be buried in the Church Yard of Takely aforesaid in the same Grave with or as near to the remains of my late dear wife as may be and that my funeral be conducted in a plain and decent manner and that my Grave be bricked over and a head stone put down with a suitable inscription in my memory…

John Smith.  1657.



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