Early Takeley Church Records

These notes of Early Takeley Church Records are a compilation of the researches of Nia and John Watkiss. Anyone using making use of these research notes for a publication should acknowledge their work.

Please note that if any of the records or entries listed here are used for commercial gain then Copyright should be sought from the relevant source.

Reply from Maidstone Record Office, Centre for Kentish Studies.
They haven’t been able to find any Takeley Documents in the Rochester Diocesan, Deeds and Faculties but there are some mentions of Takeley in the Muniment books.

There is an entry about patronage with other churches dated 1852 and also the conveyance of the site for additional burial ground 1867-1870 (thought to be the same as held in Essex Record Office).


Takeley church records at The Guildhall, London

All documents are from M.S 12,727

Doc: 127,08920 /4/20                                   27 Nov. 1634

“Essex. A lease dated 27o November Anno decimo Re Caroli  to Samuel Gaynfford gent of ye[the] Parsonage of Takely for xxi [21] years. …..all the said Manor place or other howses & edifices.”
Gaynsfford pays £11 per annum in quarterly instalments at each of the four Feasts i.e. Christmas, The Annunciation of the B.V.M., the Feasts of John the Baptist & Michaelmas.
Signed by Samuel Gaynsfford.
Witnesses: John Juxon
Abraham Haynes
Richard Manyng.

Doc: 127,089/5/20  31 May 1638  Takely  14:Car. To Ellen Gainsford, widow, for 21 years.
As above.
She makes her mark E G in a rather wobbly hand.
Witness Robert Calthorp or  Palthorp [ probably the first]

Doc: 127,089/6/20
Essex A lease to Ellen Gaynefford, widdowe, dated secundu die decemb xvij Rg Caroli [2 Dec 1641] for 21 years to the parsonage of Takely
The Mark of Ellen Gaynefford  E G
Witnessess : Thomas Everard
Robert Calthorp.

Doc. 127089/7/20  19 January 1651
Sir John Wollaston kt., John Fowke, Samuell Avery, Christopher Parke, all Aldermen of the City of London
James Bunce, William Gibbs, Francis Ashe, Thomas Arnold, John Bellam, Citizens of the City of London.
They are all Trustees nominated by an Ordinance in Parliament dated 9 Oct 1646 for the abolishing of Archbishops and Bishops
They are of the first part.
Stephen Rich of Takely, Clerke.
He is of the second part
For £262.6s.8d 1/2d
Grant to Rich of the Mannor place & parsonage house of Takely with quit rent & those two greate Barns & One Stable and 16 acres of Glebe now or heretofore in occupation of Ellen Gaysford.
£1. 10s.   yearly rent of £12 10s.
Endorsed that Hannah Rich of the parish of St Buttolph ,Aldergate, widow, gave the  Manor to Bishop of London in return for £100 for ever.
20 June 1661
Signed by hannah Rich.

Doc: 127,089/11/20    July 20, 1680 Takely 32 Car.2nd to William Kendall for 21 years.
Surrender of lease 25 Nov 28 Car 2nd, by Elizabeth Gaunsfford of Bury St Edmonds, Co Suffolk, spinster and now to William Kendall £51 per annum
Signed William Kendall
Witnesses: Robert Erle
Samuel Cater.

Doc: 127,089/15/20    26 Feb. 1737
Bishop to Beckford Kendall of Takely esq. 4 Feb 1735
Rent per annum £51
Endorsed that this document was produced in Chancery in the action of Robert Kendall Cater esq., against Sir Thomas Aney, kt, William Kendall esq., & wife Ann, & Beckford Kendall, defendants.
Commission from the Court of Chancery on behalf of Thomas Walford as one of the creditors of John Kendall, esq, deceased.

Doc: 127.089/16/20  27 Nov. 1714
Bishop & Beckford Kendall . Lease for 21 years. Kendall’s name is crossed out & replaced by Francis Bernard of Bassingbourne .

Doc: 127.089/17/20
Bishop to Francis Bernard    26 Nov. 1762
21 year lease, renewable on 25 Nov. 1772, for £51 per annum.

Doc: 127, 089/18/20         8 Dec. 1759
Bishop to Francis Bernard  as above.

Doc 127,089/19/20       25 Nov. 1786
Bishop to Sir Peter Parker. As above.. Also the same in 1800 & 1807.

Doc: 127o92     1 Feb. 1813
Bishop to William Woodham. Lease for 21 years at £51 rent per annum.

Doc: 127093.  25 Nov 1821  As above.

9 Dec 1828
Bishop to Frederick John Nash esq.  Lease for 21 years  Rent £44. 9s

13 Feb 1836
Frederick John Nash of Bishops Stortford, common brewer, George Starkins of Bishops Stortford, gent & William Woodham Nash of Shepreth, Co Cambs, esq.,
They are executors of the will of William Woodham esq.
They are of the first part.
Frederick Woodham Nash of the Temple, London, esq., Of the second part
The Bishop of London .Of the third part.
Re the lease of 9 Dec. 1828
10/- apiece is paid by the Bishop.[ I don’t really understand this]

Doc: 127096
15 Feb 1836
The Bishop to Frederick Woodham Nash  Lease fo 21 years.

Doc: 127097
18 Feb 1843.
The Bishop to Frederick Woodham Nash. Lease for 21 years starting on 25. Nov. 1842
Rent £51 per annum
Land Tax: £44. 9s.0d.
From 30 Sept 1849 £50 is paid to the Vicar of Great Bentley
Ed.Harbin the Vicar of Takeley gets £55.

Doc: 127098
4 April. 1850.
Wedd William Nash esq to the Bishop.
Surrender of his lease.

Doc: 127099  5 April 1850
Counterpart lease Bishop to William Hollick Nash for 21 years. Rent as in doc 127097

21 May 1857
Letter from Joseph Crofts the Vicar of Great Bentley saying that he has found a deed which says that he is entitled to an Augmentation from Takeley .
He asks if this is correct?

Manor & Parsonage, tithes, rents. Admission to the Vicarage excepted.
12 roods & ¾ part of the field called Boytons on which a School is erected.
30 May 1840 it was granted to Frederick Woodham Nash & Nicholas Patmore in perpetuity as a site for the said school 
Also excepted Upper Moat Hoppet, 1 acre, 1 rood, 24 perches {554 on the Tithe map} the Moat, 1 rood 22 perches {555}, cottages with a garden, 2roods 8 perches {556 & 557}, the parsonage yard 2 roods 27 perches,{558}
The remainder of Boytons field 3 acres 2 roods, 15 perches{646}, heretofore part of the Rectorial glebe, & now annexed in perpetuity by the Bishop to the Vicarage at Takeley.
The leaseholders {Nash et al} strictly may not alienate without permission.

Certificate for the Redemption of Land Tax.

The great tithes are of 1630 acres of arable, 152 acres of meadow, 77&1/2 acres of woodland, & 1/3 of the great tithes of 155 acres of pasture from which no great tithes arise.
The great tithes are corn, hay, pulse, & underwood.
The small tithes are clover, seeds, wool, lamb & arable crops when fed.
The staple crop is wheat.
……..two cottages, timber, stucco & tiles on a brick foundation, in fair repair & a timber & thatched barn of which the roof is very much in want of a new coat of thatch
22 acres are let to Patmore at a rent of £30 per annum.
The Poor rate has been reduced from 7/- to 4/- in the £4
Clover stands for hay. There is a small quantity of stock. The soil is clay & too stiff for turnips etc.  

131371 An 1814 document which lists all the fields paying tithes with details. We have been given permission for John to photograph this digitally as it is quite long.

28 Nov. 1814 . Letter from Wokingham by Richrd Walker? [very difficult to read]
He lstes the great tithes as wheat, barley. oats, beans, pease, hay, & underwood.
In a great many acres the Bishop only gets 1/3 of the great tithes.
The Glebe contains about 22 acres with a Cottage which was formerly a Good Farm House & till within the last Twelve Years there was a large Barn which has been taken down or suffered to fall down by the Lessee who in my opinion ought to build a new Barn if on a smaller scale, as it might on a future day be of great service
I estimate the Tithes at 565 £
Glebe Land at 35£
Total Value at £600 per annum

Great Bentley Vicarage near Colchester.   June 4 1857
Joseph Crofts enquiring re the Augmentation.

?Westm?  5 June 1857.   Reply to Crofts.
£80 not £85 are due from Takeley Parsonage & it is payable by the lessee William Hollick Nash esq, Royston.
He will pay you quarterly or half yearly as you may wish.


Guildhall Archives (Records of the Bishoprick of London)

Taken 25/06/08 by John

Mon.Angl. Vol. III P.I  Page 27.
Henry VIII upon his new founding of Bisham al. Bisham Montagne, alias Bastlesham, in Berkshire, after the dissolution thereof, in Reg. 28. endowed it with certain lands in Takeley, which, at least part of it, did before the Dissolution, belong to the Priory of Ankerwick, in Bucks, to which Priory Albretha de Bassingburn gave XX s yearly Rent in Thackeley.

Bund R.S.T.

Terrier 1610 To this parsonage, a parsonage   house and about 17 acres of Glebe. To the Vicarage a Vicarage, House and an Orchard.
By a lease, dated July 24 1680 made by the Reverend Henry lord Bp. of London, to Will. Kendall of Takeley in Essex Esq.; of the Manor and parsonage in Takeley aforesaid, the said Bishop hath received out of Tythe and profits of the said Manor and Parsonage the sum of 40l. per annum and an Augmentation to the Vicar of this Church and his successors.


25/06/08 Taken by Nia.
Bishop’s Registers. Presentations
Vicar General. Faculties, licensing of individuals & buildings.
All up to 1845

Dioc. London. Index to Bishop’s Registers
Index to the Installation, Consecration, Consolidations, Letters Patent, leases etc.

1362 to 1372    [Ms 9531/2]
Takeley    V          22,65,102

1381 to 1404    [Ms 9531/3]
Takeley                 69, 119, 145, 169, 181.

1426 ti 1430     [Ms 9531/5 ]
Takeley      V       35

1439 to 1449      [Ms 9531/6 ]
Takeley       R        66

1449 to 1489      [Ms 9531/7 ]
Takeley       V       13, 127, 136, 164, 180, 210.

1489 to 1505      [Ms 9531/8]
Takeley        V       5, 10-15.

1508 to 1522        [Ms 9531/9]
Takeley        V       8, 41.

1522 to 1530         [Ms 9531/10
Takeley         V        7.

1539 to 1559         [Ms 9531/12 ]
Takeley          V      152.

1559 to 1628          [Ms 9531/13 ]
Takeley  Essex.  Indentura super locatione Manerii    371.

1559 to 1599          [Ms 9531/13 ]
Takeley          V        122, 314.

1600 to 1628           [Ms 9531/14 ]
Takeley                     5.

1628 to 1660            [Ms 9531/15 ]
Takeley                        46

1660 to 1675            [Ms 9531/16 ]
Takeley            V         18.56.

1675 to 1715             [Ms 9531/ 18 ]
Takeley  Essex  Augmentatio Vicarice   Pars 2do    7

1715 to 1733              [Ms 9531/19 ]
Takeley             V          25

1733 to 1761                [Ms 9531/20 ]
Takeley            V           287

1762 to 1787                [Ms 9531/21 ]
Takeley             V            66, 120.

1787 to 1807                [Ms 9531/22 ]
Takeley              V           296, 363, 364.

Thremhall Priory              15,  69                         In the General Index
Takeley                             57. 163, 210                           “        “

Visitations    ?   Date??
Joseph Sach Churchwarden  visitation made at Elsenham and then at Stortford.

Takeley  John Pinsent Rector  Priested 1733 from William of Norwich.      


From Essex Record Office
These are the accounts of the rectorial tithes being paid to the Bishop of London somewhere in the period 1500 to 1550 (individual records not dated).

D/Dce A14
This was very difficult to read as very faint and very difficult hand.

?sayd that Thomas Alcok servant to your worshyppe for certen thynges & payments that he hath done within the parsonage of Takely
It payd for elmyng? & threchyng of iij dayes to W Hayle            xxi d
It payd to hys sun for iij dayes                                                       ix d
It payd to Welbe for iij dayes thechyng & a halfe                        xxi d
It payd  t for elmyng of the same                                                  ij d
It payd to hys servant for iij dayes and Ahalfe                              x d  ob
It payd to hys ?farmer for iij dayes and Ahalfe                              x d  ob
& Sum                  v s  iij d  ob

D/Dce A17
?yd that Thomas Alcoke hath payd for threschyng of xxiij quarter of whete
At the parsonage of takley vi d Agtr                                              sum xi s vi d
It payd for the threschyng of xl qtr of barley ij d aqtr                    Sum vi s vij d
It payd for threschyng ix qtr of puls & vi boshell ij d qtr               Sum xix d  ob
It payd for percartege of the same xxiij gtr whete to Wodestoke taking for Aqtr I d                                                                                                                                        
Sum xxiij d
It for caring of xxxiiij pt of malt                                                       xl  iis  x d
It payd for Weolyng of pd sayd xl qtr of barley                                xx d ob
It payd for Wenolyng of ye sayd ix qtr of pules & vi boshell           v d
Suma                       bollie                      xxix t  iij d

D/Dce A18
Itm payd for threschying of pp?? wete & masolyn?                           xii d
Itm to John bayley for Warp                                                               xii d
It paid to John Wyseman for qr of hoselyng bred                               I d
It paid for Caryng of hey to Jeffery bass ??smard                                iiij d
It paid to my lady Cart                                                                           ??
It paid to W happon wyffe for a horse hyg??                                       viij d
It J howle your ??pastey of bake trylnot                                                viij d  
Sum totall                                                 iiij s I d

D/Dce A19
Endorsed It for expenses At ?? of mete & drinke en??yn & going to P???   x s
Payd that Thaoms Alkoke your servant hath payd to your Warshyppe & for your Warshyppe At diverse tymes
Here he  ??for ??as here After followyth
It payd to your Worshype in your pales Wyndow At Henley                    xx s
It payd in the halle wyndowe in the same place                                         xiij s  iiij d
It payd in my ar??your  borpe?? Parler  At Wodestoke                             vi s viii d
It delivered to W. my fellow for your Warshyppe                                     xx s
It payd to Master Massy at your commandment                                        xx s
It payd to dany hulse At your commandment                                             xx s
It payd to ?father Thomas hylke At your commamdment                          xx s
It ppayd to father?? Bramley At your commandment                                 xiij s iiij d
It payd to Thomas prowdeless At your commandment                              vi s  viij d
It payd to sawkete for wynteryng of your Shepe                                         ix s
It for certen thynges that your warshyppe caused me to ley owt to the sume of xvsiiijd
It delivered your C?hay At heynlay At your hoste howe                            iij s iiij d
Sumvij d

D/Dce A20  needs to be looked at again. This is as much as I did in short time
Alcoke Itm for Reding of the woodes
It dor????????????????????

D/Dce A 22
It to John muna??                                                                        iiij s x d
Itm to John godfey                                                                       v s
M ??odye pecok                                                                           xi d
Itm to Wyllyam herde                                                                  vi d
Itm to Wyllyam su???                                                                   Iij s vi d
Itm to Wyllyam Roger                                                                  xi d
Itm a rekenyng made of the ????
Itm that my wyffe holbe to John godfrey at the last rekenyng
Itm Resteyng synne ij qtr malt per the qtr                                    
Itm for hey                                                                             qtr     iiij d

D/Dce A 24
At Ongre iiij die decembre  Ao xv o
In ??pune for horsemete                                                                ii d
It for Per?? Melius man                                                                  ii d
It to the Steward at P/e court                                                          viij d
It At dyner At Ongre                                                                       vi d
It for horsmete there                                                                        ii d  ob
It to William herde                                                                           iii d
It at Chekevell hombyd??                                                                Ii d  ob
It for horsbirs                                                                                   ii s
It for maister greiy for his labour                                                     v s


                      Church Records at E.R.O. & otherwise.

D/CC 22/3  1871.  Takeley Consecration.

D/CC 51/3  1899. Little Canfield consecration of parish church as patron Saint was in doubt.

D/CE  31  1874.  Ecclesiastical Commissioners.

D/CF 61—96  1922—1957.  Faculty papers.
97—102  Indexed  1958—1963

D/Cf /86  Takeley. Permisssion for “requiescat in pace” to be removed & replaced by “rest in peace” on a tombstone on the grave of Annie Pallett.

Hertford.  DSA 1/6/2—25  1849—1948.  Presentation Deeds, Institution papers & Incumbents Subscription books.

T1470—72, F175—6,  JI/MT  D/DB,  M160—2,  T1133—95

D/CR 18/1  1851.  Glebe (6acres) & church Map
18/2  1867.   Church

D/CPP  55/1  1969.  Conveyance of house at Brewers End for parsonage House.

T/R83  Microfilm & Typescript of transcripts in the Guildhall Library covering a few years in the mid 17th & early 18th Centuries.

D/CZ 28/1/6,7,8,  1749—1874  Dunmow division fund for poor clergy. 3 volumes.

Q/RRw1,  1751—1852.  Registers of meeting places.
Q/CR 3/1,2  1829.  Returns July 1829
Q/SBb  1688.  Certificates of Toleration Act.
G/SMg  Register of Meeting places.
Q/SO Returns enrolled in Order Book.

D/C2 33/5.  Saffron Walden to Twinstead  Names of clergy , dates, patrons etc.

D/P 225/5,6  Churchwardens
D/P 225/6/1,2  Property
D/P/ 225/5/1  Accounts
T/A 438/1  1706—1735
D/P/ 225/5/1  Accounts & disbursements 1881-1937
D/P/225/6/1,2  Architects reports.
D/F 88/1  Ledger  1884—1906
Q/SBb 501/23/2 Letter.
D/P 225/6/2  Architects report 1997
D/P/225/6/1  ditto  1987

B.F.L.Clarke  The Building of the 18th Century Church  1963.


D/DOp B39/86

[there is a letter from Hodgson, 16 June 1839 which asked for Composition of Tithes for the last 7 years ending Dec 1835, & also the rates.

                                                                                                                 Takely Vicarage
21 1839

I have received this letter from Mr Hodgon as by request from the Bishop of London. It is impossible for me to do what that requires of me, you have gone through the business and know it so well.—indeed, my dear sir, I am now thrown upon my back, suspended for 3 months from duty and confined to my bed and sick  ?chanter, as I am in a very. Low debilitated state, indeed, I can write more more. The Bishops. Letter. This Mr Hodgson will explain
Yours very truly
J. Caporn

[this is exactly as written]


Mr Kynaston was Assistant Tithe Commisioner. He says Caporn was ill.  6 Feb. 1839 letter.

Parker to ??
….the Landowners were dissatisfied and after considerably less and ultimately agreed to have an Assistant Commisioner to act as Umpire.


Fred Woodham Nash                                          18 Feb 1840

……..I also wish, if you agree with me, that the Tithe Barn should be pulled down & the material sold. Although then 22 acres of Glebe ….the Glebe is much scattered, the greater part being distant from the barn [he says 1 part is a mile away & 1 part is 1/2/mile from the barn] 

Woodham Nash says letters can be sent to him at his club. He was part owner of the tithes with the Bishop of London.

July 22  1841  Letter from Mary Ann Caporn the widow of John Caporn the Vicar.
P.S. I regret troubling you so often but I am really in need of the money.

13 Aug. 1841
The Bishop will thus get his proper share of the barn…

2 Feb. 1841
I feel obliged to you for your consideration in urging Mr. Clarke to bear the expences and I trust that as he is in the enjoyment of so much of my property he will not be unmindful of the Claim the Widow [ underlined] & the Fatherless [underlined] have upon his Benevolence & Candour [both words underlined]

Fred Woodham Nash  Letter Aug 1841
The barn stands on a piece of Glebe land pasture adjoining which are the cottages their garden and two parcels of arable land in all I suppose about six acres.
Bytons field arable or Upper grove arable I don’t know which 3 ½ acres this field is more than ½ a mile from the barn.
Windmill Field arable 12 acres more than a mile from the barn so that 2/3 of the arable land is at a considerable distance & more than 1/2 is upwards of a mile form the barn
The barn itself is old and certainly worth very little, but such as it is I must keep it in repair until I am permitted to pull it down.

30 Aug 1841. Letter from Mary Ann Caporn again, about getting her tithe money.

Sept 1841  Letter  Comyns Parker.
There is an old House situate near the Barn now used as two Tenements but there is only one large lower Room and a similar sized Chamber to each necessarily causing the whole Family to sleep in the same Room
[He thinks the house should be converted into 2 good tenements & that the expenditure would absorb the proceeds of the sale of the barn]

Sept 1841 Mary Ann Caporn got £21 the arrears of the Tithe
Oct 1841 she got another £8 14s  [ receipt]

20 June 1842
My dear Sir,
The Takely Barn was knocked down for £40 of which I suppose about £34 will be forthcoming for the additions to the cottage.
I took Mr. Glasscock over today to look at the cottages & we thought that the best mode of laying out the money was in building a back room to one cottage and converting a goose house into a back room for the other –in making two staircases instead of one & completely separating the two tenements – in building an additional “ chateau” & making more elegant & commodious [both words underlined] the one already there- and in putting a ceiling to the tenement which at present has none.
After this Mr Franklin shewed me your note & introduced Mr Kemp who went over the cottage & expressed his approval of the suggested additions & improvements
Some new window paines are wanted & the lath & plaster wants repair there would have been already supported by me had it not been for the barn.
As it is I propose, unless I hear to the contrary from you, to direct Mr Glasscock to make improvements as nearly as he can to the amount of £36 and the excess of his bill over that sum to take upon myself
If you wish you can see his account of work done when it is finished-or if you thonk it necessary an estimate of the work proposed before it is entered upon.
Have you arranged any alterations in the consent of the Tithe Commisioners?
Very truly yours
F.W.Nash  . 



From Essex Record Office
These are copies of original Churchwarden Reports (possibly held at Lambeth) dating from 1727 and 1731. 

T/A 438

1727 Takeley: We have lately been at considerable charges in repairing our Church & its now in tolerable good condition: it only wants beautifying, which shall be done in a short time.

1731 Takeley. We have lately been at great Expenses in Repairing our Church: there are still some ornaments wanting, but we hope in a short time to prevaile with the parish, to set every thing in regular Order.
There is some glazing wanting in our Chancel which belongs to the Impropriator, & likewise some glazing & repairs wanting, in a little Chapell adjoining to the Church, belonging to John Kendell Esquire, but we doubt not, but that worthy Gentleman, in due time will set everything in order.  

NB. The original copy read “Rendell” but I feel certain this is a misprint for Kendell, and so have rendered it as Kendell. I feel their optimism may have been misplaced as Kendall was in deep financial trouble by this time.

These extracts are taken from B.F.L. Clarke. The Building of the 18th Century Church (1963). He states that he found the information in the muniment rooms of St Paul’s.


From Essex Record Office
These are the accounts of the rectorial tithes being paid to the Bishop of London somewhere in the period 1500 to 1550 (individual records not dated).

D/Dce A14
This was very difficult to read as very faint and very difficult hand.

?sayd that Thomas Alcok servant to your worshyppe for certen thynges & payments that he hath done within the parsonage of Takely
It payd for elmyng? & threchyng of iij dayes to W Hayle            xxi d
It payd to hys sun for iij dayes                                                       ix d
It payd to Welbe for iij dayes thechyng & a halfe                        xxi d
It payd  t for elmyng of the same                                                  ij d
It payd to hys servant for iij dayes and Ahalfe                              x d  ob
It payd to hys ?farmer for iij dayes and Ahalfe                              x d  ob
& Sum                  v s  iij d  ob

D/Dce A17
?yd that Thomas Alcoke hath payd for threschyng of xxiij quarter of whete
At the parsonage of takley vi d Agtr                                              sum xi s vi d
It payd for the threschyng of xl qtr of barley ij d aqtr                    Sum vi s vij d
It payd for threschyng ix qtr of puls & vi boshell ij d qtr               Sum xix d  ob
It payd for percartege of the same xxiij gtr whete to Wodestoke taking for Aqtr I d                                                                                                                                        
Sum xxiij d
It for caring of xxxiiij pt of malt                                                       xl  iis  x d
It payd for Weolyng of pd sayd xl qtr of barley                                xx d ob
It payd for Wenolyng of ye sayd ix qtr of pules & vi boshell           v d
Suma                       bollie                      xxix t  iij d

D/Dce A18
Itm payd for threschying of pp?? wete & masolyn?                           xii d
Itm to John bayley for Warp                                                               xii d
It paid to John Wyseman for qr of hoselyng bred                               I d
It paid for Caryng of hey to Jeffery bass ??smard                                iiij d
It paid to my lady Cart                                                                           ??
It paid to W happon wyffe for a horse hyg??                                       viij d
It J howle your ??pastey of bake trylnot                                                viij d  
Sum totall                                                 iiij s I d

D/Dce A19
Endorsed It for expenses At ?? of mete & drinke en??yn & going to P???   x s
Payd that Thaoms Alkoke your servant hath payd to your Warshyppe & for your Warshyppe At diverse tymes
Here he  ??for ??as here After followyth
It payd to your Worshype in your pales Wyndow At Henley                    xx s
It payd in the halle wyndowe in the same place                                         xiij s  iiij d
It payd in my ar??your  borpe?? Parler  At Wodestoke                             vi s viii d
It delivered to W. my fellow for your Warshyppe                                     xx s
It payd to Master Massy at your commandment                                        xx s
It payd to dany hulse At your commandment                                             xx s
It payd to ?father Thomas hylke At your commamdment                          xx s
It ppayd to father?? Bramley At your commandment                                 xiij s iiij d
It payd to Thomas prowdeless At your commandment                              vi s  viij d
It payd to sawkete for wynteryng of your Shepe                                         ix s
It for certen thynges that your warshyppe caused me to ley owt to the sume of xvsiiijd
It delivered your C?hay At heynlay At your hoste howe                            iij s iiij d
Sumvij d

D/Dce A20  needs to be looked at again. This is as much as I did in short time
Alcoke Itm for Reding of the woodes
It dor????????????????????

D/Dce A 22
It to John muna??                                                                        iiij s x d
Itm to John godfey                                                                       v s
M ??odye pecok                                                                           xi d
Itm to Wyllyam herde                                                                  vi d
Itm to Wyllyam su???                                                                   Iij s vi d
Itm to Wyllyam Roger                                                                  xi d
Itm a rekenyng made of the ????
Itm that my wyffe holbe to John godfrey at the last rekenyng
Itm Resteyng synne ij qtr malt per the qtr                                    
Itm for hey                                                                             qtr     iiij d

D/Dce A 24
At Ongre iiij die decembre  Ao xv o
In ??pune for horsemete                                                                ii d
It for Per?? Melius man                                                                  ii d
It to the Steward at P/e court                                                          viij d
It At dyner At Ongre                                                                       vi d
It for horsmete there                                                                        ii d  ob
It to William herde                                                                           iii d
It at Chekevell hombyd??                                                                Ii d  ob
It for horsbirs                                                                                   ii s
It for maister greiy for his labour                                                     v s


Early church material.

This is taken from many sources which will be noted as I go along.

Domesday Survey 1086.

The Manor allocated to Eudo Dapifer has a priest listed. There was no priest given for 1066.
Eudo’s Manor comprised the area later occupied by Colchester Hall & Waltham Hall, & it came down past the Church to Stane Street.

Harleiam MSS 4809,folio 109, c.xiiij. Early 13th Century.
Geoffrey the son of William de Hauvill quitclaimed the Abbot & Canons of Waltham {Abbey of Holy Cross, Waltham} from the obligation to provide two canons or secular priest to celebrate divine service in the church of Takeley which once was his. Calls it the church of the “beate marie”

folio 106. William de Hauville the son of Ralph de Hauville grants to Geoffrey de Hauville all his meadow in the vill of takeley which is called Timmanmede and which lies between the part which is called Polmede and the part of the church of the said vill. Rent iiijd annually For this donation Geoffrey is to pay iij marks of siver.

Folio 107d.  dated 1208. mentions William the clerk, the son of Thomas the preist,
folio 109  c.13.Philip de Hobrygge held land in Chapelfield in Thele, next to the Church.

Folio 113d. xxxij Estrilda lately the wife of Michael de Wodleya confirms to Waltham Holy Cross etc. one piece of land in Takeley lying between the lands of the canons of Waltham & the Royal road going towards Dunmow inlength ,& the land of the Rector of the churche of Takeleye & the land of Edi’ Bonni in width.

Folio 116 c.52. Geoffrey de Hauville son of William de Hauville grants to the church of Waltham Holy Cross & the canons of the Rule there serving God, all my land in Takeley , & all my land in of Berton, & of Lexden except Bodesgard, which Simon son of Aylward held, and my land in the vill of Colchester held by William Kynge, to the honest sustenance of two canons who shall perpetually celebrate divine service in the chapel of the blessed Mary of Takeleye once mine, If two canons are not available then two secular clergy.

Foilo 116. c.xli Wirness wakter chaplain.
Folio 117d. c. 52. John de Waryn de Ekles confirms to Waltham a piece of field with hedges & ditches enclosed in Takely, lying between the lands of in width & in length abutting on the Abbot’s field in the South & on the other head abutting on the common way leading towards the parish church of Takeley towards the North, which belonged to Dom Matthew Fresshe of Hatfield Regis.

c. 59.  William rector of the church of Takeley. Gives Geoffrey de Hauville permission to celebrate divine service in his own chapel, so long as he and his family and household attends the main services in the parish church. This grant is made because of the difficulties of travel along the way between de Hauville’s house and the church.
In return de Hauville gives to the said church of St Marie at Takeley three actress of land which lie next to the house of the parson of Takeley

Folio 120 c.58 John Waryn de Ecles hands over to Waltham a piece of meadow with hedges & ditches in Takeley, lying between the lands of Waltham in width & length abutting on the common way leading towards the parish church of Takeley towards the North, which piece of meadow we acquired from Matthew Fresshe of Hatfield Regis. To have and to hold at the Feast of the Crucificion of our Lord next ensuing for 60 years. Abbot gave 10 pounds sterling.

C 1234  p395 211b Roger de Roing, clerk

Lesser Register of St. John’s Abbey, Colchester   c 1325.

Takeley lands titheable 2 sheaves to the Abbot , & parson 1 sheaf.

Stephen le Botteler    Churchecroft              2 sheaves 1 to the parson
John Houne                Churchcroft
Prior of Thremhall       next to roads to church
Abbot of Waltham       Cherchefelde I piece meadow
Parson of the church   towards the East all the tithes
Our own lands
Field lying between the campus of John le Bolour & Shepecote of which field the parson has the whole tithe.
Grovefeld. Between the land of John le Blour & Kitchenfeld , as far as a certain oak tree standing next to the pond next to the same Manor and the same oak as far as the North in length 20 perches & in width from the same oak to the head of the “grava” the parson takes all the tithes.
Campus called Shorteland & the meadow called La Leyemed
Mem. That whole field called Houfeld tithe all belong to the Parson.

British Museum charter 51. D19 Late 12th Century
Witnesses include Walter the chaplain, Richard the chaplain, Thomas the clerk.

New College. Register of Evidence.  Folio 160 c. 68 Dated after 1235. 
Witness William the clerk

Folio 155. c.136. Witness Hugo the chaplain.

Folio 160 Egidius Abbot and the Convent of St Valery confirms to Walter Leveysie for his homage the house & messuage & all the lands which PPeter the chaplain held of us in Takeley. Except the land of Walter the chaplain & 9 acres lying between the lands o Richard the presbyter & Robert de Stanes . 20s rent

Clergy named in the St Valery register, New College.

Matthew Palmer of Canfield parva  1346. 8.9
John Reynes, Vicar of Takeley  1391/2
William Temple, late Vicar of Takeley   1463
William, Vicar of Takeley  1292


From Essex Review 

Vol 19 1910
The church screen was erected by Miss Ross in memory of her father and sister at Takeley dedicated July 31st by the Bishop of St Albans.

Vol 23 1914.
The oak panelling in the chancel, new choir stalls and new oak communion table, with some fresco painting on the walls, were the gift of Miss Ross formerly of Hatfield Grange



Records relating to the gifts of lands or money/lands for lights etc.

No 41. John, Prior of Thremhall Priory gave up the priory’s claim ti the advowson of the church of Takeley c.1241-1250 in return for three rods of land which are held in the “de robis” in the parish of Takelye between the land formerly of Clemence le Potter and the land of Huogonis le Tornour
Witnesses included John de Bassingbourne and Walter le Tanner.

St John’s Cartulary Vol 1 Page 91.
Concerning the ?true church of Takeley thus we ordain that it is in perpetuity with the bishopric of London which will institute a vicar for the moment, to the vicar will be given a sum of money with tax? With a house close to the church suitable for residence with the whole said church with the house to the said church belonging to the fabric of the church of the blessed Paul of London in perpetuity assigned, reserving to the said Abbot and monks a tenth which in the parish of the said church they consent. 
This is a very bad translation [my Latin being poor] of the following.

De ecclesia vero de Takeleya taliter ordinamus, ut in ea in pperpetuam per episcopum Londiniensem qui pro tempore erit vicarious institaut, vicarium eijus usque ad decem marcasannuas decernentes taxandam cum ilquo manso eidem assignando juxta ecclesiam compotenti residium totius dicte ecclesie de Takeleya cum domibus ad dictam ecclesiam stenetibus ad fabricam ecclesie beati pauli Lononie in perpetuum assignantes, reseruatis dictis abbati et monachis decimis quas in parochial dicte ecclesie percopere consuerunt.

Patent Rolls.1551. The early rent of 4s and services given for the light in Takeley

1553…grant of the croft of arable land called Arnolescrofte and a garden adjacent to it [4 acres] to Takeley parish, Essex in the tenure of Nicholas Wolbar given to the lights in the church there.

1554… the yearly rent of 12d and service from a tenement called Parkyns in the tenure of Nicholas Williams in Takeley, co. Essex, formerly given for the maintenance of an anniversary in Tackeley church….

1567 … grant of lands…given for a light in Takeley Church…a taper on Sundays and feast days and a light before the rood in Takeley Church

E.R/.O. D/DW m 61-63…a customary croft called Churchcrofts, 14 acres held of Waltham Hall with a meadow with a parcel of Slipe, 4 acres, and a lane called Church lane  and Kitchen Crofts, 6 acres, by the wood called Priors Wood against the east and the way from Takeley to Elsenham to the West.

E.R.O. D/D4 543/3 28 September 1636 Messuage etc late in the occupation of Michael Bruce, approximately 1 acre with orchards etc towards the East, and by the land of Philip Bruce on the East, by Chase lane leading to Takeley Church on the West.
Several references to Chansel/Chausell/Chauncel Croft [to the North of the Church] held by the White family from the Bassingbourne Manor for the rent of a red rose in June There are several references to a rose rent in 14th century documents.

E.R.O. D/DWT 59 Endorsed The Stable by Takly Church
Sealed and delivered in ye presence of Tho Wragg, Hester Wragg [his own hand writing, hers is unsteady] The mark of Mary Turner.
Peacable possession and seizing of ye within mencioned ground and bargained premises was done and taken and delivered by the within named John English{ Vicar of takeley} unto the within named Thomas Ray according to the tenor Effect and true intent of this deed in the presence of Charles Hallett, Tho Wragg. George raye.

6 September 1686 2 James 2
Indenture between Hannah Knollys of Stansead Mountfichet, co. Essex, widow, relict of Francis Knollys, late of Hither Winchington, co. Bucks, esq., deceased, on the one part and Thomas Ray of Stanstead Mountfichet, gent on the other.
Hannah Knollys grants to Thomas ray all that leanto now made use of for a stable, and adjoining to the North side of a messuage or tenement called the Church House, lying in Takeley, now in the occupation of Thomas ray, to have and to hold.
Signed by Hannah Knollys. 

The Gentlemans Magazine Library, ed. by George Lawrence Gomme, F.S.A. English Topography, Part IV London Elliot Stock, 62 paternoster Row E.C. 1893.

Pages 63-64 Coats of Arms in Essex Churches includes notes on
Hatchments to Sir Peter Parker, Bart of Bassingbourne Hall

  1. Parker, gu., on chevron arg., between 3 keys erecr or., as many cinquefoils az., with Ulster
  2.  ---sab., 2 bars engrailed arg.
  3.  Lovcetoft, or, lion ram. Per fessu., sab., impaling Nugent, erm, 2 bars qu.

Crest, an elephant’s head erased arg., trunk and tusks or., ear qu., on a collar of last 3 fleurs de lys or.
[ Parkers wife was born Margaret Nugent]

Page 172 under Tiltey [ no entry for takeley]
Thakey Street, as it is called the birthplace of this worthy abbot…it seems probable Abbot Thomas lived in the fifteenth century.

Essex Archaeology and History Society Vol. XIII page 164.

Taken from State papers Domestic Edward VI vol  v no 19 refers to the goods the church wardens and parishioners had sold by 1548

That they have sold one chalice of the said churche for Xivs whiche Somme they saye ys bestowed in repayringe and amendinge the church walles. And the same was solde aboute Whitsontyde last past.

Essex Archaeology and History Vol XI New Series.
Page 209
Thomas Tame, John Langley, Thomas Miller, John brewer, and Richard Gyatt, ppresenters.
Goods etc not alienated delivered into the hands and custodie of the said Thomas Miller and John Brewer.

The best challis. A cope of blue satten abridges. A vestment of Grene Caffa [rich stuff or material of taffeta] with all things belonging to it for the priste to wear. A vestment of chaungaeable sarsnett on the one side and grene sarsnett on the other side, with all things belonging to it for the priste to ware. A vestment of green caffa with all things for the priste to ware. A vestment of white satten abridges with the albe. A vestment of corse black velvet with an albe. A vestment of black Caffa with an albe, ij tunacles of grene Caffa with their albes. A canopie clothe of satten abridges. A herse clothe of saten abridges. A vestment of grene satten abridges with an albe. A vestment of satten abridges red. V olds vestments of white bostyan and leuyn [ probably linen] clothe. A frontlet for the alter of grene and red satten abridges. A crosse of coper gilded, broken. Iiij bells in the steple by estimacion XXXL weight. A sanctus bell of XVI li. A pressessyon bell iij li.

Goods delivered for the ministracion of the devyne service.
To Thomas Tame and John Langley, churchwardens. The worst challis. A cope of grene. The communion clothes and their surplices.

From MS no 827 in the Brotish Museum
[NB Habitull the Commissioners left 1 chalice, I cope the communion cloths, not apparently including an altar cloth and the surplices.



Copyright © Takeley Local History Society  