Charles Wright's Rose Nurseries  

1Charles Wright was Chairman of the Parish Council for 22 years from 1936 until 1958. He was also a long serving Church Warden, an office he held for 28 years from 1932 until 1960. He also served on the Parochial Church Council for 33 years.

It is for his Rose Nurseries, however, that Charles Wright is largely remembered these days because in the mid 1960s the land on which he had his nursery was developed and was named Roseacres. This residential housing estate is situated on Parsonage Road, Takeley, approximately 80 yards north of the Four Ashes Crossroads.

In his booklet Bill Marshall puts together the history of Charles Wright and his Rose Nursery and Gardens. It was in operation for about 37 years from 1923 to 1960 and it helped put Takeley on the map.


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