Takeley Chapel Memorial Inscriptions

Following the succesful transcription of the memorials from Holy Trinity Church Takeley during 2004 and 2005 we transcribed the memorials at Takeley Chapel during 2006.

There are approximatly 50 memorials at Takeley Chapel. They can be downloaded from the link below in Excel format and are currently sorted by surname.

Download Takeley Chapel Memorial Inscriptions

To find the location of a memorial from the database a chart of the graveyard has been made and can be downloaded in word or jpg format.

Download chart in word format or jpg format

The full Chapel Funeral database can be accessed for the Takeley Chapel page.

How is the database arranged?

The database has been created in Microsoft Excel. There are 8 columns as follows:

A) the cross reference number to the Burials Database for Takeley Chapel.

B) The surname of the person the memorial is to.

C) The area of the Chapel yard (East or West)

D) The Inscription. Some note of where the inscription lies on the memorial may be included. The end of each line of text is marked with / . A horizontal line on the memorial is marked as / -------- / . Illegible text is marked in sqaure brackest thus [illegible] .

E) A breif description of the type of memorial and sometimes mention of its condition.

F) The direction the inscription faces.

G) The name of the surveyor.

H) The date the inscription was surveyed



Please Note

The database is to the best of our knowledge complete but has not been rigorously checked and inscriptions are sometimes difficult to read.

Webmasters may link to this site but PLEASE do not copy the database to any other site or include the information in any other database as updates and corrections would then be out of our control.


Copyright © Takeley Local History Society  