
Be Galloway (nee Piper)1900 - 1992

be galloway

Be Piper was born on 27th December 1900, the daughter of Alfred Charles Piper and Elizabeth (nee Chilvers) and grandaughter of George Piper and Elizabeth (nee Cornell). She was baptised Doris Cornell Piper, the Cornell after her maternal great grandfather Henry Cornell. Throughout her life she was known simply as Be. In 1921 Be married Jack Galloway of Little Barrington Hall, Bush End. Be passed away on 22nd Jan 1992 and is rememebered on Jack's headstone in Bush End churchyard.

The following address was read at her funeral.

Although it is with great sadness that we are here today, it is also with great joy in the knowledge for those of us, family and friends, who were privilege to have known Be, we have indeed been lucky.

For Be was a gentle lady, articulate, knowledgable and concerned, not only for those close to her, but also the community at large.

Be was brought up in a much slower way of life, when a community relied on each other. Her parents were at the centre of Parish affairs, being involved in every aspect of village life, so it was with Be in a quiet but firm way.

With the help of her constant companion, Marge, her later life was lived to the full retaining old-fashioned values which gained the respect of those who came in contact with her

She was proud of her family and its history and gained much enjoyment in relating their achievements.

So with a few poetic words let us remember Be:-

"When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
I summon up remembrance of things past"

Be GallowayBe Galloway Grave 2

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